Legal information

Publisher identification

WCS Europe
2, rue Sainte-Victoire
78000 Versailles
Tél : +33 1 83 81 28 80
S.A.S. au capital de 535 090 euros
831 180 211 R.C.S. Versailles
TVA intracommunautaire FR57831180211

Director of the publication

Lionel HOVSEPIAN President

Hosting provider

2, rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix
Tél : +33 9 72 10 47 46

Components of the WCS Cloud Communications solution

WCS Cloud Communications integrates several solutions marketed by WCS Europe including 8×8, Aircall and CounterPath.

Processing of personal data

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), WCS Europe has informed the CNIL of the appointment of its Data Protection Officer (DPO). This designation is DPO-12801. In accordance with the provisions of the law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, the files and freedoms, you have a right of access, of modification, correction and suppression of the data which concern you. To request a modification, correction or deletion of your personal data, you just have to send a letter by post to WCS Europe with proof of your identity.

Politique de confidentialité
Utilisation des cookies

WCS Cloud Communications

WCS Europe also offers custom UCaaS and CCaaS solutions and integrations. Can’t find the answer to your needs?